Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The power of positive thinking

The right attitude when dealing with anything in life can make all the difference in the world.  I recently made some very significant changes in my life that I thought would send my Gastroparesis into a tailspin, and they did at first.  However the changes I made as hard as they were to do, were what I needed to do for me.  I wasn't happy and my being miserable was also making me very symptomatic.  I was so tense and stressed all the time which in turn brought on the never ending nausea, the bloating, gas, vomiting and stomach aches.  So I changed the circumstances that were making me so unhappy and now I am beginning to heal.  I scheduled a long over due massage and enjoyed it thoroughly.  I've gone shopping at Jebbia's, our local produce store, for some fresh fruits and veggies to juice and puree.  Especially beets, I puree and have them for breakfast.  Absolutely delicious.

My flare up was brief and I now actually feel better than I have in a very long time.  I am still working on getting back to where I was with my daily workouts.  I had let myself get away from taking the time to juice and puree fruits and veggies and have been eating more white carbs.  This has caused my blood sugar to raise which of course resulted in my being tired and sluggish with no energy to exercise.  It is important to remember that when this happens, because it will happen, that you just have to acknowledge it and then go back to doing what you know you have to do.  I need to take the time to prepare nutritious foods in a way that I can digest them instead of toasting a biscuit and drinking a Glucerna shake because it's quick and easy.  I need to exercise daily, especially Yoga and practice daily meditation.

It's during the down times that I must remind myself how great I feel when I'm working my Comprehensive Management Plan.  When I'm eating nutritious whole foods and exercising daily I feel strong, happy and confident!  When I'm not working my Plan, I am just getting through the day on automatic pilot with no energy.

Life always deals us the unexpected and it is in these times those of us with Gastroparesis must take care of ourselves.  We must keep a positive attitude and not let negative thinking weigh us down.  Stop thinking about having Gastroparesis or whatever problems you are currently dealing with and take the time to enjoy life.  Really look at nature and all its wonders and just breath in the moment and be happy.  Really let yourself be happy.  Life is too short to wallow in self pity and worry.  Recognize that some things are just out of our control and all we can do is make the best of what we have and be thankful for what we do have.  Let positive thinking take the drivers seat and see what happens.