Sunday, December 30, 2012


It's been a little while since I've added any posts to my blog.  When I started this blog it was my intention to let others who are struggling with dealing with having Gastroparesis know that there is life after a Gastroparesis diagnosis.  Because getting that diagnosis is mind blowing and often times debilitating.  At least it was for me.  To learn that I may never eat normal food again and there was no cure!  This my friends is life altering.  It is all too common to find yourself focusing on the long term instead of dealing with the right here and right now.  As I've learned from Crystal Saltrelli, I have Gastroparesis right now and I need to deal with it right now in the present.  Maybe in the future I won't but in order to live my life right now I have to deal with my having Gastroparesis right now.  Because if you focus on the long term it becomes very overwhelming and creates high levels of stress and anxiety which will in turn exacerbate symptoms.

I've had some major setbacks in the last couple months and I find myself feeling like I did before I had developed my Comprehensive Management Plan and was utilizing it.  The truth is that I have not been utilizing my Plan and I've been struggling with getting it back in place.  I know this is what I need to do to feel better but I've been feeling so bad that I have not been doing it. It is so easy to get caught in this viscous circle but it is imperative to get out of it.  Some of the biggest complications of Gastroparesis are, in my opinion, a result of poor nutrition.  So it is imperative to make sure to get the daily nutritional requirements.  If that means I have to go back to meal replacement drinks and soups until I am able to tolerate more foods, then so be it.  It may mean I need to juice more or puree my foods.  If that is what I need to do then I have to do it. 

You see I thought I had accepted the fact that I have Gastroparesis and had been dealing with it quite well.  And I was feeling great!  So as it is so easy to do when I start feeling good I want to forget that I am sick.  Then the treatment starts slipping because why do I need treatment if I'm not feeling sick?!  I could make up a number of reasons why this has happened but regardless of why I have let myself slip away from my Plan.  I've been struggling with getting back on track and I simply have to make the adjustments needed to keep my Plan in place.  The biggest setback I had was my change in my job schedule and it has been a real struggle to get myself back on a routine that works for me.

Getting through the holidays is a real challenge with anyone dealing with Gastroparesis.  Talk about stress overload and not to mention the variety of food and social gatherings surrounding food around the holidays.  When going to these social gatherings be prepared.  Talk to the Hostess ahead of time to see what will be served and/or to see if you can bring a dish that you know you can tolerate.  Don't assume that there will be something you can eat there and be sure to bring something with you or eat before you go.  I've learned this lesson the hard way a few times. 

Another hard lesson that I have learned is that Gastroparesis does not care what day it is.  The symptoms can flare up at any time, even Christmas day.  I was so sick on Christmas day it was horrible.  Then to add to that it is even harder for family members and loved ones to understand and be as compassionate as you need them to be about your being sick interfering with plans made.  There's no easy answer in these situations.  I am still working on this hurdle.

I am certain that I will get past these setbacks and get back on track.  When I do I will be sure to share how I did it.  I have Gastroparesis but Gastroparesis does not have me!

1 comment:

  1. Use herbal remedise for complete Gastroparesis Herbal Treatment because these remedies are very effective and played a vital role in the get rid of gastroparesis witout any side effects.
